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How does excess fat affect the body? 

Ways to reduce body excess fat To have good health because reducing body fat is very difficult for many people, regardless of eating habits. Taking care of yourself or being in a state where the metabolic system cannot work efficiently Although fat is beneficial to the

Things you should know about safe exposure to phytonutrients.

Although phytonutrients are beneficial to health, But there is safety information that you should know before consuming it, including: Intake of phytonutrients through eating fruits and vegetables is safe for most people. and help build strong overall health. Because in addition. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins,

Risks from consuming kimchi

Although kimchi is made from vegetables, Gives little energy and appears to be useful in many ways But it cannot be denied that consuming kimchi will not cause any side effects because both studies and household consumption have reported the same health effects from consuming kimchi.  The main