Experts warn that 4 vegetables should be eaten cooked

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Experts warn that 4 vegetables should be eaten cooked, but many people misunderstand that eating them raw is good.

4 Vegetables That Increase Their Nutritional Value Many Times When Cooked, But Many People Still Misunderstand That Eating Them Raw Is Better

4 vegetables

The cooking and consumption methods have a great impact on the amount of nutrients the body receives from vegetables and fruits. Some are best eaten raw, while others should be cooked.

Dr. Amy Myers, medical director of Austin Ultrahealth in the US, says each vegetable has its own unique nutrient profile, and the cooking method affects how the nutrients are absorbed.

“Improper cooking can lead to loss of nutrients and adverse health effects,” she said. “However, eating raw does not always mean getting the most nutrients, depending on the type of vegetable.”

4 Vegetables That Are More Nutritious and Healthy When Cooked, But Are Often Misunderstood to Be Eaten Raw 

1. Tomato

Both raw and cooked tomatoes are healthy, but studies have shown that cooked tomatoes are even healthier. This is because cooking increases the amount of lycopene in the tomatoes by about 35%. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. However, Dr. Amy warns that the vitamin C in tomatoes is slightly reduced when cooked.

The solution is to cook the tomatoes for a short period of time or make sauces and soups, adding olive oil to help the body absorb the nutrients better.

2. Spinach

Spinach is most healthy and nutritious when cooked. It is a rich source of iron, calcium, and magnesium. The fiber in cooked spinach is easier to digest and reduces the distinctive odor that some people dislike.

In addition, raw spinach contains oxalate, which inhibits the absorption of minerals that it contains. Eating too much can have long-term adverse effects on liver and kidney function, or cause temporary indigestion and fatigue.

Dr. Amy recommends that blanching or steaming will help you get the full nutrients from spinach and make it safer.

3. Carrot

Dr. Amy says that cooked carrots are not only easier to digest, but also release more beta-carotene than raw carrots. Beta-carotene is an important substance that is converted to vitamin A, which helps boost immunity and has many health benefits.
Although cooking does lose some of the vitamin C in carrots, the loss is minimal, especially if steamed or cooked properly. Dr. Amy recommends eating cooked carrots to get the most nutrients.

4. Asparagus

Many people mistakenly believe that eating raw asparagus preserves nutrients better, especially in salads. However, Dr. Amy explains that cooked asparagus is more nutritious because it releases important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and antioxidants.

Cooking breaks down cell structures, making it easier for the body to absorb these nutrients. Cooked asparagus is also soft, easy to digest, and ideal for those with weak digestive systems. Steaming or lightly grilling asparagus is recommended to retain the best nutritional value and flavor.